Course to create Dark/Subliminal channel that will monetize on YouTube

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XenoVerse course to create a Dark / Subliminal channel that will monetize on YouTube.

What will you achieve with this course -

- Know which free applications you should install on your cell phone and computer.

- Know how to use applications for free and enjoy the best possible results.

- Know how to create a totally original and unique video using only the free parts of the applications, with a unique soundtrack exclusively yours.

- Know how to check if the soundtrack you created has copyright, and then delete it and start again.

- Know the best method to obtain views and to obtain the necessary hours more quickly so you can monetize your dark channel more quickly.

NOTE - In this course you will not learn how to make subliminals, but rather how to make a dark subliminal channel that monetizes, since many people have subliminal channels that are not monetized, but with this XenoVerse method you will easily monetize your channel, just like I monetized mine, for that you just need to follow all the instructions that I provide in this document.

NOTE - In this course there are no adjacent images or videos, it is a written course only.

NOTE - This course is only available in English.

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Course to create Dark/Subliminal channel that will monetize on YouTube

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