Parallel Enforcer Amplifier V3

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Parallel Enforcer Amplifier V3 - Forced 21x Booster - This Innovative third version is also designed to be used alongside any existing biokinesis / law of attraction / other sub-technology and now also whit the energetic binaurals ! This booster can also be used to memorize a book you are reading, or a song, a new language you want to learn, during your gim workout & play alongside a energetic binaural to increase its effects and accelerate the progress of biokinesis. This new 3º version made now whit a even more calm beat , is now also a morphic field booster! With more time than the others to make sure that will match the major of the formulas available!

This is the most powerful Amplifier & forced formula released , and is a audio that literally gives you the effects of hearing a session multiplied 21 times. By other words, when you use this audio at same time with other audios or binaural´s, each time you use a formula, you will get the effects as if you use the formula 21 times. It means that each session will have the power of 21 listening sessions and this will greatly improve your results, making them more quickly visible! If you use an audio three times, listening to this audio, you will have the effects of listening to the sessions 63 times since 3 sessions x 21 = 63. Each session = 21 times the force. This will work for all binaural´s, frequency and audios of the channel and other creators alike! But not just limited to frequency! It will also work with binaural beats, affirmations & morphic , quantum fields ,and now whit the energetic binaurals. With this Enforcer Amplified booster is specifically to be used during and with your sessions at the same time, you will also save time, as you won't have to use them before and after them!

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Parallel Enforcer Amplifier V3

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